Monday, May 24, 2010

To Infinity...and Beyond!

Attribute the title to the fact that I just saw a trailer for Toy Story 3, which I am so pumped about. Omfg. But I digress.

Saturday I ran 10 miles because that's what my schedule said to do. This was the first time I have run what has been on my training schedule...maybe ever. Oops. I've been busy. Anyway, it was an alright run. As soon as I started, my left shin started to hurt because the whole week before I had been wearing heels for the Broadway Spring Road Conference and my legs just weren't used to flat shoes. Weirdsies!

I was also a lot slower than I usually am starting out because I tried out my new hydration pack! It's really a fanny pack, but it goes on my it's literally a fanny pack. Good one. How it works is that there is a little bladder that holds about 1.5 liters of water that fits into the main part of the fanny pack. There is a long tube that is attached to the bladder. When you want water, you just bite on the mouthpiece of the tube and water comes out. Brilliant! It's also very convenient so I don't have to awkwardly put my keys in my bra. Awkward.

Anyhoo, everything seemed in order for the rest of the run. I had to walk a little bit around the 7th mile because my knee started to hurt, but after a bit of rest, everything was back to normal.

I'm kind of in love with this 10-mile run because I get to run along the East River, under the Williamsburg and Manhattan bridges and over the Brooklyn Bridge. How lucky am I that this is just part of my daily routine? I will never get over it. NEVER!

I felt a little sore on Saturday and Sunday after the run, but today I feel back to normal which is very encouraging because the last time I ran 10 miles, I was sore for a good 3 or 4 days afterwards. So, this is all good news.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to run an easy 4 and will probably do a few more shorter runs throughout the week. On Saturday, everyone is running one of my favorite races ever: The Spring Lake 5! I'm so proud of everyone who is running it. It's going to be many people's first road race, so send good vibes their way! Jerseyyyyyyyyy.

Ok, that is all for now. Hope you're enjoying the week and are having your own little breakthroughs, whether they be running or something else really awesome!


  1. What marathon training schedule are you using? I just signed up for the Portland Marathon (that's right, I'm flying 3,000 miles to run a marathon AGAIN), and want to try some formal schedule (or something that I'll hopefully follow for more than a week).

    Also, to people living Down Under, a fanny is...well, where a fanny pack TRADITIONALLY covers (at least on a woman). And that bit of wisdom is brought to you by one of the New Zealand travel guides (and the Australians I met).

  2. Hey Lindsay! I'm stalking your blog and do you like the water pack? I'm worried if I get one I will drink too much H2O and then have to pee. I think I would rather be stung by bees than have to stop mind race in a port-a-potty.
